Saturday, 25 April 2015

I Believe

When circumstances are fine, you are fine with the world, but when they turn sour and bleak, you only have yourself. By nature, we gravitate toward people who are doing well in life. Who wouldn't be? We kinda wonder what made them the successful persons that they are. Thus, when motivational speakers visit our country, even it is for an expensive fee, we try our best to be there just to listen to whatever they have to say.

Nothing wrong with being in it, but you see, the final say to what we would become will not come from anyone. Neither of ourselves but the Lord. We have weaknesses all right, they who speak about how they became greater than most of us had also been through struggles themselves. 

How did they make a difference? They identified where they were bad at and canceled them out by the renewing of their minds. They decided upon themselves that they deserve better from their life and that their present circumstances could not let them limit their chances to becoming great. They all made a choice, a plan, lived out their choice and worked out their plans. But the question is, who was the object of their success? Was it they or the Lord?

Fortitude and hard work may be the keys to wealth, but the renewal comes from knowing and believing who holds and keeps the unlimited source of hope, strength, and love- JESUS. We all get tired in time, despite the  abilities that we posses. The overcomers however have these things  in common: a personal relationship with Jesus and imitators of HIM. 

Romans 8:28
"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."

Thursday, 23 April 2015

I Choose

Misery happens to anyone. Time and again it never lets a day, week, month, or a year pass without feeling lonely and sad. Life brings in all sorts of disappointments. 

If we were to count, there are more sad stories than happy ones. Then again, the truth about our lives becoming what we think still hold. It grows or stunts depending on what we put IN it.. 

As the saying goes, "What we choose yesterday becomes our success or failure today." I don't want to be miserable, this is my choice. What about yours? 

Monday, 20 April 2015

Love Yourself

        We all need each other to do things. Two heads are always better than one. One person's talents need to complement that of the other. Wanting to be alone which at some point become necessary yet, we would still want to be with somebody. However, when that complementing has been abused and overemphasized, the need for a respite from the other or another becomes inevitable. 

     It only takes a day or even less to know what your worth is to the person.. We then go back to saying to ourselves, love yourself and love GOD even more... HE is more than enough...